Sunday, June 16, 2013

Just Another Sunday...N O T !!!!!!!!

Well as you know, my CI is not a big fan of Sunday mornings. Notice I didnt say I...I said my CI. My CI does not like music at all. My CI does not like large crowds. Well let me tell you this, MY CI's working together DO like Sunday mornings. Did you catch the plural? Yessiree. Today was a good day. Today was the 1st Sunday of me going bilateral (meaning with both CIs' to church) And OMG! (thats oh my gosh!)Today we had the timpani and brass, full choir. Didnt register as we have had them before.Well let me tell you... the music started and I just about died right then and there. I mean BAM...the heavens opened up and this glorious sound came like I have never heard before. It was amazing! It was awesome. I was so emotional from hearing all this wonderful sound! I just can not put it into words! I looked at mother in law and she just held me while I cried like a baby. For 30 minutes I had to keep telling myself to breathe Karen, take a breath, in and out. For real!You have no idea how long I have waited to get my music back in me! I didnt hear the country screechin' choir trying to get the high notes. I heard this magnificent full church choir sing with all their heart and soul. Today was the last Sunday for our minister at our church. His last sermon that I heard in stereo. Such an emotional Sunday for me. I could write about my preacher but I wont since this is about cochlear implants. So back on track. I heard it all. I heard the music! I understood the music! This is such a big deal for me since this was one of my goals. All week long I was poor me working so hard to get where I was with one CI. Now the work has started again with 2. Honey...IM BACK! As I said before the heavens have opened up. Its my turn. Thank you. My audiologist told me that I would love having 2. She just knew it. She also told me there were no words to describe what hearing with two was like. Shes right. I cant explain it. Everything just makes sense. Its all clear. Its all good. Now dont get me wrong, I still have work to do but buddy...come on. Im ready for anything you got to throw at me.  :)  I was so tired from the service and such a nice meal afterwards that I slept the rest of the day. Next week when I go to church Im going to try and sing to see how I do. Im tempted to sing at the house and record myself but Im not. No more Row Row Row Your Boat for me! Im on to bigger and better stuff....Yeppers, today was a good day. A really good day. Thanks for sharing it with me....Karen