Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oh laaawww...not again!

Oh I am sitting with my back door open, in the morning, at the end of January listening the the world around me and going nuts! Why you ask? If you read my post yesterday you will remember how I said that I (or is it me)  and my CI were one. That its the first thing I put on in the mornings and last thing to take off at night. Well...yesterday I turned my CI up a notch (which I might add I am supposed to be doing weekly and have not) and its awful! Please, I dont want to complain or sound like I am complaining but...with me turning up the volume, I am starting all over again. Its like the very 1st day of wearing this thing! I caught myself telling Ed not to make so much noise eating and clanging his silverware around on the dishes. I mean really, poor guy was only eating his dinner! So much racket. Everything was so loud to me again. The television, doing the dishes...I finally had to take my CI off to finish cleaning the kitchen as everything from the running of the water to putting the dishes in the dishwasher was making me soooo tired! Did I crawl in bed afterwards? You're darn straight I did. But today is a new day and I am determined to get through the day again, just like I did on that day a couple weeks ago. I know this is gonna work and I am going to make this work. Lord give me the patience to see this thing through....hope your day is going well and as always, thanks for stopping by. K~ Oh...I figured out how to post pics here so I posted a couple post surgery pics. Later!