Monday, December 10, 2012

Just another Sunday?

Well y'all...I had the most incredible time at church this past Sunday. I was sitting in my pew getting myself ready to hear the word and all. I saw the handbell choir was set up to play and I didnt think twice about it. I still dont like to listen to music. Choir still sounds screechy, organ is yuck, piano is getting better so didnt really think about the handbells. I mean it just didnt register that I hadnt heard them before with my CI. Well boy oh I am sitting and all of a sudden the handbells start ringing. OH MY GOSH! It completely took my by surprise! I HEARD THE BELLS! Almost having my CI a year (Jan 3rd of 2012 was hook up date) I kind of and this is bad to say but I am taking my hearing for granted now. Which I shouldnt. I heard the handbells! What an amazing awesome sound! Well I was so shocked and caught of guard that I let out a whelp and just started to boohoo right then and there! I was so loud and so overwhelmed I could just not contain myself. The beauty I heard! The bells! AWESOME! And what was soooooo puzzling to me is that I heard each and every bell being played. Why is that? A friend of mine who was sitting in front of me for sure was wondering what all the ruckus was about. He finally decided to turn himself around and take a look. He then realized what I was hearing and what was going on with me. Man oh man, I am forever grateful as he handed me a handful of tissue. Boy did I ever need it as the handbells played throughout the entire service! OH MY GOSH! I was completely blown away. Anyway, after the service, I was so excited that I had just to tell everyone I knew. I even went to the other building where we have a more contemporary service called The Fountain and had to tell them about it too! Oh my stars. I was going up to everyone saying I heard the bells! I know newcomers thought I was some kinda strange bird. It was fabulous! I might just have to join that handbell choir! Well, I came home, ate dinner and feel sound asleep as the morning festivities and activities plum wore me out! Oh man, God is good....