Thursday, June 13, 2013

15 days post op

Well here I am at the 15 day post op mark. I seem to be healing nicely but I swear the process is taking longer this time. Still walking around wearing glasses with one side arm removed so Im walking around with broken glasses, old ones to boot that are just plain yucky lookin'. Im sooooo looking forward to wearing my black and purple ones again :).  My steri strips are still on and looking nasty. Cant pull them off as it is still a bit sore around incision. I still have a metallic taste in my mouth. Its more like a metallic strip on my left side of tongue. Dont remember having one like this last time either. I do hope it goes away soon cause my chocolate does not taste like chocolate and this here chocoholic is SUFFERIN'! lol   I just got an early birthday present from hubby. A flight booked to Denver to see my niece and her family. For those of you that dont know, this is a huge trip for me. It was my trip to Denver back in 2011 that opened my eyes on how "profound" my hearing loss was (hate using that word profound but it is what it is) I was in a new and different environment then what I was accustomed to and I was, to be honest, scared. I was frightened to what was going on around me or what not was going on around me. It was a scary feeling and at one time there was one moment that I will NEVAH EVAH forget. My niece asked me to watch her small son while she ran an errand and I panicked. I NEVAH EVAH panic. It was right at that moment that I decided when I got home, my hubby and I were going to have a serious discussion on what to do next and here I am, a bilateral CI wearer one year and 1/2 later. My how my life has changed over the year. I am so much more outgoing. I attend events I NEVEH EVAH thought I would attend. I am going out and about flyng solo to places unknown and truly luvin' my life. I am so blessed. Truly blessed. And on that note, I am out my door, droppin' the top on my car and doing my errands. Have a great blessed day y'all and again, thank you so much for you kindness, patience and support while I adjust to my new life.

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