Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Journey begins...

On December 16, 2011 my husband Ed, my daughter Mary Frances and myself entered MUSC Outpatient surgery area. Surgery was to last 2 hours and I would be sent back home to recuperate. Drugs were fabulous and my aftercare was great as I stayed at the home of my son Will and his new wife, Mandy. I must insert here another shout out to them as their guest room has THE most fabulous mattress I have ever slept on and the pillows....well lets just say I have been pillow shopping since I have been home :)  Anyway, I woke up from surgery with a "glassock" over my ear which looked like I was ready to play in a water polo match. Wore that thing for 2 days and that was it! Day 3 I started with the swelling on my right side and a black and blue eye. Later my right side turned a beautiful shade of baby poop yellow. I looked fabulous! lol I took a few pics so if I can figure this thing out, I will also add the pics to this blog post. Stayed with Will and Mandy for5 days then headed home to fly solo with no hearing at all until I am to be hooked up to my receiver on January 3rd. I was nervous to be going home completely deaf during the holiday season where I will be around lots of people but I think I did ok as everyone understood what I was going through. I even mentioned to Ed that if the implant was not successful that I would be just fine. And I still believe that....

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