Friday, January 27, 2012


Yesterday was such a fabulous day weather wise. I dropped the top of my car and headed out to listen to the sounds (or should I say noise) of the capital city. Now I understand the meaning of noise pollution. I heard cars, trucks, planes, ambulances, police name it, I heard it. The only question I have I need to know which type of siren is which? I heard a siren off in a distance but I didnt know which siren it was for. I know they each make a different sound as I heard several different types. This morning while I am typing this, I hear a siren but I want to know if there is a medical emergency in my area, a robbery or a fire. I guess if I want the answer to that I must learn the different sounds. Wonder if I went to the fire station if they would play their siren for me. I know  a firefighter so maybe I can ask him to play it just for me <hint,hint> Same way with police and ambulance. I know a paramedic so maybe he will play his for me just to be nice. <hint,hint> This is all interesting to me but I know everyday to you. Do you know the different type sirens you hear? Oh something else I heard when I went out to get the mail... a blackbird. A crow? He puffed up his belly and let out a screech. My 1st crow. Imagine that. Its happening people and you are witnessing it right along with me. A world full of sounds. Glorious, amazing! I am continued to be overwhelmed each day. Never take for granted what you hear. You might say noise, I say sound. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by! Later!