Friday, January 27, 2012
Yesterday was such a fabulous day weather wise. I dropped the top of my car and headed out to listen to the sounds (or should I say noise) of the capital city. Now I understand the meaning of noise pollution. I heard cars, trucks, planes, ambulances, police name it, I heard it. The only question I have I need to know which type of siren is which? I heard a siren off in a distance but I didnt know which siren it was for. I know they each make a different sound as I heard several different types. This morning while I am typing this, I hear a siren but I want to know if there is a medical emergency in my area, a robbery or a fire. I guess if I want the answer to that I must learn the different sounds. Wonder if I went to the fire station if they would play their siren for me. I know a firefighter so maybe I can ask him to play it just for me <hint,hint> Same way with police and ambulance. I know a paramedic so maybe he will play his for me just to be nice. <hint,hint> This is all interesting to me but I know everyday to you. Do you know the different type sirens you hear? Oh something else I heard when I went out to get the mail... a blackbird. A crow? He puffed up his belly and let out a screech. My 1st crow. Imagine that. Its happening people and you are witnessing it right along with me. A world full of sounds. Glorious, amazing! I am continued to be overwhelmed each day. Never take for granted what you hear. You might say noise, I say sound. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by! Later!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Oh laaawww...not again!
Oh I am sitting with my back door open, in the morning, at the end of January listening the the world around me and going nuts! Why you ask? If you read my post yesterday you will remember how I said that I (or is it me) and my CI were one. That its the first thing I put on in the mornings and last thing to take off at night. Well...yesterday I turned my CI up a notch (which I might add I am supposed to be doing weekly and have not) and its awful! Please, I dont want to complain or sound like I am complaining but...with me turning up the volume, I am starting all over again. Its like the very 1st day of wearing this thing! I caught myself telling Ed not to make so much noise eating and clanging his silverware around on the dishes. I mean really, poor guy was only eating his dinner! So much racket. Everything was so loud to me again. The television, doing the dishes...I finally had to take my CI off to finish cleaning the kitchen as everything from the running of the water to putting the dishes in the dishwasher was making me soooo tired! Did I crawl in bed afterwards? You're darn straight I did. But today is a new day and I am determined to get through the day again, just like I did on that day a couple weeks ago. I know this is gonna work and I am going to make this work. Lord give me the patience to see this thing through....hope your day is going well and as always, thanks for stopping by. K~ Oh...I figured out how to post pics here so I posted a couple post surgery pics. Later!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
39, 21 and .............
Those are the numbers for today. #39...Its been 39 days since my surgery date of the CI. As for physical changes, I have noticed the swelling of my right ear is almost gone. There is some sensation and soreness to the top of my ear but alas, my ear is not sticking out anymore! YAY! The swelling on the right side of my face is also gone which means, yes, my wrinkles are back! BOO-HOO! So physically, things are getting back to normal. Now for the #21, its been 21 days since I have been hooked up to my receiver. And I have had the realization that I am now one with my CI. It sounds weird but let me explain. When I was wearing my hearing aides, I never put them on in the morning until I had my shower. I was always afraid of getting in the shower wearing them. Also, sometimes I went out and about not even wearing them as I forgot to put them in! Now with my CI, my receiver is the first thing I put on in the morning before my feet even touch the floor. Even before my glasses! I take it off to shower and then put it right back on. Makes me think that I really didnt hear all that well with the hearing aides and that the doctor was right all along in saying that the aides would not help me anymore. I always thought I did hear some, if just a little bit but now, today I realize that I did not. Having the CI has opened up a whole new world for me. Sounds corny I know but it has. I never spoke to people waiting on me for fear they would start up a conversation. I would take care of business and leave. No small talk, ever. Now I take my time, visit with the people that wait on me and am now comfortable of who I am and where I am headed. As for the ........ thats infinity. Thats for the sounds that I am discovering everyday. The sounds that I continue to discover. Remember when I heard the beep, beep, beep at the stoplight? Well, I was eating lunch with the back door open (yes in January with the sun shining bright) I heard the beep , beep, beep from the walk signals from my kitchen! Ed told me heard them sometimes and I kinda poo-pooed him off....I heard them! From inside my home! Amazing. Oh another thing before I close...I was sick this past weekend and in bed with my computer watching Netflix. I watched the show Switched at Birth. Its a TV series and I challenge you to each watch it. Even with your kids. Two girls were switched at birth. One had menengitis when she was 3 and lost her hearing. I am so this girl! So many experiences she goes through in the show, I have been there, done that. I really do encourage you all to watch it and you will understand the world of the hearing impaired/deaf so much more.....Oh, and yes, I turned up my receiver today and everything is LOUD again like day one. SHEESH! As always, thanks for stopping by and reading about me and my CI....It means so much to me that you took the time to join me on this incredible journey....Later!
Friday, January 20, 2012
what a day!
Well what a day. Started off with a call on Skype from my daughter and it was so nice to finally be able to carry on a conversation with her. I still Skype as I am not supposed to talk on the phone yet. Its funny as she tested me by holding her laptop up to the ceiling so I wouldn't "read" her lips. So nice to hear. Then this afternoon, my son called via Skype while he was home eating lunch. What a fabulous conversation I had with him. It is truly amazing that I can hear my kids! ME! Hear my kids! It was so wonderful just chatting with them. I do thank them for checking in with mom. Now, I haven't been posting lately as I have been home painting up a storm. Three rooms, DONE! Finally went out and about and guess what I heard? I was at the stoplight with my window down and I heard this beep, beep, beep, beep... then it quit. I thought maybe it might be my battery running down as it signals me with 3 consecutive beeps but this beep was continuous. Well I was looking around and I noticed that the crosswalk sign at the intersections beep so you can cross! Imagine that! I had no idea they beeped did you??? Now changing topic...I find myself in a dilemma. With this CI, I have a power pack that has rechargeable batteries and also a unit that is not rechargeable. The rechargeable lasts about 10 hours and regular batteries last 3 days. Each having their own unit...This stuff costs too much to carry with me all the time so what do I do? Its really hard to explain but something I really need to figure out now that I have worn both units. Id hate to go somewhere and lose my hearing! Not when I finally have it. I am using up all the batteries that have been given to me and havent a clue as to where to buy them and how much they are. Oh well. Its what I need to figure out and in the meantime I will continue to ask questions. I am supposed to turn up the volume in my unit and am not sure I remember how. Doing new things always make me anxious. Ill do it tomorrow. Ill read up on it and just plain do it. Thanks for stopping by! Later....
Sunday, January 15, 2012
What a day....what a day!
What a day this has been! If you have been following my blog (thank you ) you will remember that last Sunday was a nightmare for me at church. I came home, went to bed and slept all day and all night. Well this morning I woke up, dreading what I was going to hear today. Can you believe I said that? Dreading??? Sunday School was great and again, made a few comments at the end. Well after Sunday School off to church I go. I sit down with my family and lo and behold I HEAR THE MINISTER! ME! I hear Rev. Wayne Horne. for the first time! Oh man...Praise be... then wait theres more....The choir entered and I was able to hear the melody of the song they sang! Last week it was awful with all the screeching. Well today I was able to hear the melody and at times 2 different parts. The music was filled with sharp and flats but thats ok...its coming! I know I will be hearing normally again one day that I just need to have patience. Oh I cried and I cried. I looked over at my mother in law and told her I hear the melody! I dont know how loud I said it but shes starting to shed tears with me and then down the row it goes. I was giving a thumbs up and trying to contain myself but we Ropers cant do that if we got something to share lol After the service some friends of mine came up to me as they probably were wondering what I was doin making a spectacle of myself during the service and after the service I just told everyone! Went to Wayne to tell him I heard every single word and I heard his prayer! With my eyes closed I heard him! Now I still hear funky sounds. People still sound either like a robot or a duck but at least its getting better and I can understand words better. Big breakthrough for me today. Wonderful day and am so thrilled that I could share it with you...Today was awesome, amazing and was completely overwhelmed. Thanks for stopping by and hears to hearin ya!! Later!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Its time to update my post and really there is nothing more to add. I did decide to go to choir on Wednesday night as encouraged to do. It was not pretty. I was not able to make out the different parts the were being sung even when following along with the music. We did however rehearse a song I have sung many times and when the choir performs that song, I will be able to tell if I have made any progress as they are not singing it for a month of Sundays :) So hopefully..... Have not ventured out much the last couple of days since I am painting. I did notice a coupe more sounds. My dogs claws on my kitchen tiled floor. Also heard the kitchen faucet drip, drip, drip while sitting in another room! Amazing isnt it? I sat there for the longest time trying to figure out what that LOUD noise was and here it wasnt even in the room I was in! I am forever walking around my house trying to figure out some things that I hear. Still one sound I cant find and sounds like a door slamming...think this house is haunted? lol I did visit a friend today and heard every lovely was so good seeing her as I have not seen her since my surgery. It was wonderful. Just lovin' all these visits I am making here lately... Also today I went to the car place to get my oil changed. It was sooo loud with the TV blastin, people chatting and I just busied myself and tried to play a lil game called who is saying what lol That hour flew by! You guys have a great weekend and as always, thanks for stoppin' by! Here's to hearin' ya... Later!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
It has now been a week since my CI has been activated. All in all its been ok. No, thats not correct, its been awesome! I am sitting here reflecting on the week and rereading my previous posts. First thing that comes to mind this morning as I write this is I am blessed. I am truly blessed. If I put all my trials and tribulations in a pile with others, I would grab mine back as they are insignificant compared to what others are dealing with. I am so fortunate to have the love and support of family and friends. And my church family. How do people survive without a church family? My husband, Ed has been my rock. He hears my joys and sorrows, my complaints...everything. He keeps me in line and keeps me seeing the big picture and reminds me how patient I need to be. A good friend told me yesterday...Karen! Its been a week! Yes it has and I am trying my best to relax and just let it let things happen as they should... Ok on that note speaking of relaxing. I stayed indoors yesterday. I caught myself for the first time ignoring the little sounds my house makes. I was painting the baseboards in the hall of our home when I heard a noise. Oh yea, thats the fridge. and oh yea thats the dishwasher. Then I tuned them out! Here I am hearing these noises and I am tuning them out? Is that what I am supposed to do? Tell me that just after a week I am already working on selective hearing? I guess I am. Moving on, I feel like I need to mention my dog while I am reflecting on this past week. I apologize if I am long winded but it runs in the family and she is important to me also. My dog Shelby is, we think a 4 year old yellow lab who is a rescue. (Insert here a shout out to Low Country Lab Rescue, please support your rescues and animal shelters) She has always been my right arm or should I say ear and alerts me to EVERYTHING and I mean everything. Since having my implant she has a sense that something has changed. She is staying at my feet at all times and seems to need more cuddling and affirmation like she is still needed to help me "hear" things. While painting the baseboards she would lay beside me and watch me paint, as I slid, she cute. Now when I am at the computer or sitting down reading, she would just come and put her nose in my lap and just look up at me. So sweet. So she is adjusting to this as everyone else. Im also feeling a bit guilty and whimpy today as I am not at my swim class nor am I going to choir practice tonight. The swim, because I just dont feel like going lol and the choir, I was thinking that maybe it is a bit too soon to introduce music afterall. What do you think? Heres to hearing ya and have a great day. And as always, thanks again for stopping by and giving me your support and encouragement. It means everything to me. It is because of you that I am trying so hard to make this CI successful. Later!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Attempted to swim and...
Well I have been cleared to get back in the water and I attempted to swim a lap and attend my water aerobic class today. I got in the water, started my slow jog, so far so good. About midway into the class when we were working on our legs, I notice that my balance wasnt so hot. Hummmmm. Kept on going with the class and next came a wave of seas sickness! Now, I have done my reading and researched this CI to death and nowhere did I read that I would experience sea sickness! Another one of those go figure times. Anyway, had to cut out of my class early but will be going back to attempt it for a longer stay on Wed. Other than that had a good day. Went and did some more visiting and felt pretty good as I heard a few comments made while the speakers back was to me so thats a plus. Making headway on this CI. Meredith, my audiologist called me today to check on me. Well actually she called my hubby since I cant talk on the phone yet. Wasnt that nice of her to call? Im tellin ya, Im in good hands!..Oh, I wore my cowboy boots today. Know what that means? I will conquer whatever is thrown at me. Im dressed the part. Bring it on! Later!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
The day I awaited for is almost over...
Today is Sunday. The 1st Sunday in my new world with a CI. Oh how I looked forward to today as I had a list of things to listen to. I was so excited to get up and get ready to go to church! It was almost like the 1st day of school! I arrived in Sunday School and everyone was great. I participated in small group conversations before the class started which I usually do but usually just nod and smile. Today I did and everyone either sounded like a robot or a duck. What a great time I had chitchatting with everyone. The class begun, my husband had the opening prayer which I heard with my eyes closed and I must say, I love that guy. His prayer was wonderful and perfect. I heard the lesson overall at least I thought I did and even made a few comments towards the end of class. Not really sure how I did but I hoped I followed the lesson along well enough that my comment was not too off the wall. Ed had to leave early or he would have told me how I "performed" In the past I would make comments that had no real meaning to anything and Ed would just say, sorry, she didnt hear you right. This group knows me well enough that they would hear me out regardless and be gracious and not say anything if I missed it. Anyway, I thought I heard really well for my 1st time out. So, with that Im winning the world kind of attitude, I head down to the sanctuary. Oh my goodness...The organ started and I thought I was going to lose it! I heard all this racket! The foot pedals sounded like thunder, the higher notes were screeching! I was so comes the choir. The minute I had been waiting for. One of the main reasons I got my CI was to participate with my choir. The choir starts and all I could do was cry and collapse in the inside. MY beloved choir sounded like a little country church choir that all sang in unison and screeched out the high notes. I hope I dont offend anyone with my comparisons, that is not my intention. Just wanted you to know what I heard. It was devastating to me. Now I know with me starting to sing to myself yesterday and to Ed and his mom, I knew it would not be perfect. I didnt know it would be that bad! I told Ed afterwards that I just wanted to go home and pull the covers up over me. And that is what I did. I slept all afternoon! Now I know I have my work cut out for me and I am ready. I am going to put on my cowboy boots and go after it all and win! Thanks to you all for reading my blog and showing me your support. Because of friends like you make me want to rise above and get out there a kickin' to win this thing and be successful. Have a great week and heres hearing to you! Later!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Tried and failed but try again...
As I said earlier, I have 2 goals in order for me to call this CI a success. 1) Enjoy music again (which includes, singing, playing the piano and playing my beloved uke) and 2) Talk with my children on the telephone. Thats it. Just 2! Well Im not actually supposed to use the phone yet so I decided to start singing to myself. I was so surprised! I cant do it! I started off singing Happy Birthday to my dog. She didnt howl but she sure looked at me funny when I tried to hit a high note. Its the oddest thing. For me not to be able to sing happy birthday? Well I kept on singing while cleaning the kitchen and started off with Row Row Row Your Boat....well guess what? I started off ok then when I went for the high note on merrily...there it was again. I couldnt do it! And then totally bombed the rest coming back down from the song singing merrily merrily merrily merrily! Honestly...I just find this unbelievable given my background and all. Music means everything to me! One of my favorite quotes " For heights and depths no words can reach, music is the souls own speech" I talked to Ed and instead of our usual chitchat I sang to him, we sang together with each other and well, knowing Ed he said "well yea I dont know but I reckon its ok..." Typical male I right? We kept trying until we finally gave up. I went over to my mother in laws house and told her that I couldnt sing! So being the sweetie that she is, we sat down and she said now what shall we sing...she is also a choir member so she does have a good ear so I sang. Bless her heart. She said "Well I think on the high note you are over shooting and its a bit sharp" lol I love her. Anyway, we sang a couple songs and decided I was going to sit in on choir practice and not sing but listen to the different parts. Kind of like therapy. What do you think? Im going to talk with the director tomorrow and ask if its ok but I think this coming Wed, Im gonna start listening to some real music! Wish me luck! Thanks for dropping by and come back tomorrow to find out how my very first Sunday School class and church service went..stay tooned :)
Friday, January 6, 2012
another day...another discovery..
Today I reported to the Soup Kitchen and man oh man! Everywhere I turned there was a new noise. Pots clanging, water running, people coming in and out of doors, chairs scratching the floors. Think it was noisy? Yes it was but I heard all that noise. ME! I do hope it doesnt sound like I am complaining...Im not. Its an adjustment I have to make. I was able to talk to the people I serve with. Oh Ms. Betty it was a pleasure hearing your voice. On the way home, I hit a few of my shops in 5 points. One of my favorites is 2G's Love them they always have their beautiful dogs with them in the shop. I just went to visit and of course while chatting I saw these 2 to die for shirts I had to have lol but sh mums the word lol Anyway, we chatted then a couple girls overheard and they wondered on over to join in on the conversation. I have never ever talked with as many strangers as I have this week. And to think I heard them and conversed. I had a glorious time! Absolutely fantastic time chit chatting as Ed says...Im learning how to chit chat and its wonderful. I am finding myself talking a lot about nothing lol Met 2 of my girlies from Hartsville for lunch today and I heard them both in conversation! I reached over to grab their hands to say the blessing and afterwards I thought, I should have let them say it so I could listen to theirs. But there is always a next time for that. I do have to say while dining, the ice machine sure did make a lot of racket. Again, not complaining. just making an observation :) It as such a nice lunch. I see many more lunch dates down the road. When I drove home lare after running an errand, I noticed an elderly neighbor out in the yard. I dearly love her but do not "chit chat" with her often as she is hard to "read". I saw her out in the yard, I stopped and we chit chatted all afternoon along with her daughter. Had a grand time. I love how everyone is so happy for me and just smiles and congratulates me. Makes me want to work that much harder to make this thing a success. I have gone out and about more this week then I have in weeks. Having a blast. Went to overnight a package and even the girl waiting on me was thrilled for me. I had to tell her I was wearing a CI as she was walking all around the shop asking me questions and I had to compete with other customers also...After I told her about my CI, she was all interested and the other customers, walked in closer and got in the act. What a marvelous thing. Again, met another stranger. Im tellin ya...this is a good thing. My girlfriend said today she even thought she could write a good murder mystery involving a CI wearer...Yes, my girlies are weird but ...takes one to know one, right??? OMG! My dog is behind me scratching her ear! WOW... Had a wonderful and blessed day. Im ready for hubby to come home so we can chit chat and tell him all about it.... thanks again for joining me. Later!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Going out and about
I wake up and while Ed and I are eating breakfast, we are actually chit chatting. Usually we talk and discuss stuff but with me hearing him, we chit chatted about this and that and just chit chatted. Was nice. Meredith suggested that he read aloud to me so I will learn his voice. I also read aloud so I can hear my own voice and practice my speech. So we are eating breakfast together and just chit chatting and lovin this! Its awesome. Ed goes to work and I plan my day. I went out to all the shops I frequently shop and re introduced myself and told them that I wanted to hear what they sounded like. I went to the cleaners, my favorite consignment shop, (Consign It on Forest Dr , tell 'em I sent ya), my jeweler (Artisan Jewelry on Forest Dr), The Green Phenix (located on Sunnyside Dr again tell 'em I sent ya) Also Estate Liquidators. And while there I found that perfect chair that I just had to have lol Anyway, it was fun to go see all my shopkeeper friends that have been so patient and kind in dealing with me. There were hugs all around and even a few tears shed. Its awesome....I have a friend in the hospital so I thought I would go see her. I made it through the parking garage but once I entered the corridors, I was uneasy as I heard what I think was the PA system, the housekeeping carts and this screeching noise. I thought maybe I was interfering with some equipment. I have to admit that I started to feel anxious and left without seeing my friend. Felt awful afterwards. I decided to tough up and go try again which I did and she was asleep! Ticked me off. Almost woke her too lol But I didnt. I went to Target YUCK! I have no idea what I heard but one thing I did....a small girls voice. So precious. I went to the mother introduced myself and had to tell her that her childs voice was my first childs voice to hear and its just beautiful and for her to embrace it and enjoy. We hugged and cried. It was awesome. You have no idea! Spent more money so I decided to call it a day. Man what a day. So much to take in...I forgot to mention that this morning I also heard my tea pot water boiling and my dog lapping water...go figure...another big day....nighters!
The ride home...
Ed and I are traveling home from Charleston and I start to unpack my goody bag with all my stuff that Meredith gave me. Oh have mercy I have some studyin' to do! I opened up this fancy briefcase that has all this equipment and oh my gosh guess what I see! My receiver comes with four different colors! Let me back up here....When Ed and I first decided to go with the implant, several different styles were shown to us to chose from. One receiver we looked at had pink and black zebra stripes and all these "funky" covers I could wear. As soon as Meredith opened it up Ed said and I quote " OH law dont show her those" lol Now for those of you that know me, I am slightly off whack and not well lets just say normal lol When I turned 50 I decided to go funky and I shaved my head, bought a convertible and started to take care of my bucket list. Ed did not want me to wear a pink and black zebra print receiver on my head and since he was paying for this thing, I went with gray so it would blend in with my hair and not stand out. Well to my surprise when I opened my briefcase that had all my supplies and stuff there laying before me were 4 extra recievers all in multiple colors. Neon green, yellow, bright blue and lastly old ugly orange (which I will never wear unless I am going to a tacky party or something). I was so excited and Ed just rolled his eyes. So far I am wearing the gray. I will break in the neon green maybe for St. Paddy's Day lol We driving home and well, I need to stop and use the little girls room. Went in and I know I shouldnt talk about such private things but you know what my 3rd new sound was? Tinkle lol OK Im embarrassed but its true....I just really never ever thought about it. Go figure....we arrive home and day one has come to a close but know I have to update my games so I quick go to the computer and 4th new sound? Keys on the keyboard click! Imagine that...Its so loud...even the mouse has a click. I am so involved with these new sounds...I play Words with Friends and it has a bubble sound when a move is made! Bejeweled Blitz! Have Mercy and Hot Shots! I now have turned my volume control off. Not down but off! My day is complete.
Hang on and enjoy the ride....
January 3rd arrives, I am sick to my stomach, anxious, nervous, excited all wrapped into one. I arrive to see my audiologist Meredith ( insert shout out here as she has been fabulous and treated me with kindness and understanding)...she hands me paperwork to fill out as I have been accepted to participate in a study for CI wearers. The implant I chose is called the MAESTRO and is supposed to be tuned in to music and the telephone which both are very important to me. My goal is to join our church choir again after gosh I think its been a 15 year hiatus? and also to talk to my children on the phone. 2 goals. Choir and kids and phone. THis study is for music so, I am going to do it. OK, Im sitting in the room with Ed, Meredith and her intern ready to program this thing. She places it in my ear, hooks me up to the machine and the first thing I hear is a "DING" I have never EVER heard a ding before in my life. I thought to myself. Ok, this might work. Well what came next BLEW ME AWAY and I told them to take this off I did not like it at all! It was awful! Everything was so loud and all at once I heard all these noises that were so unfamiliar to me. I did not like it and I was ready to leave. Then the tears came. Not for joy but for disappointment. Meredith said wait, hang on lets do this thing...She played with this and that and lo and behold, things were starting to come together. What I hear is different from you hear. Everything I hear sounds like a robot. Everything is monotone. I am speaking slower and I also sound like a robot. Ed to me sounds like a duck! lol Dont you love it! Good news is that I am hearing. What I am hearing, Im not quite sure. It will take time for this old brain to process everything and get these nerves that have been inative for so long to come out and play nicely with one another. But the first thing I did hear when Ed and I left the office was a baby cry BEHIND me. I have NEVER EVER heard anything from behind. We were able to see Will who works part time at McKevlins on Folly Beach (tell him I sent ya) and when we walked in the door he said hi momma and I told him I heard that! We hugged and cried and then we had to leave. I was tired and just wanted to go home...Just wait til you hear what happens next!
The Journey begins...

A question was asked to me, "why now?" why after all these years did I decide to get a cochlear implant now? Simply put...because it was time. Let me start at the beginning. Im Karen, 55 years old and lost my hearing at age 8 due to an illness. My hearing loss was not discovered until I went off to college and had a geology class with 300 other students in an auditorium taught by slides with the lights off. Sitting on the front row, I still made a terrible grade. It later was my husband who discovered my loss by telling my parents that he is whispering sweet little nothings in my ear and not getting any response. At least that's the story he tells. Anyway back to why the implant now. I flew to Denver with my sister, Jill to see her daughter and her family August of 2011. While I was there I discovered I wasnt hearing well and thought oh well, its time to get new aides. I could not hear precious little Jassim at all! To make a long story short, I came home from Denver, told Ed I needed new hearing aids and made an appointment. I decided since I noticed my loss was so great, I wanted to start over from scratch with a new dr a new audiologist, the whole shabang. I went to a new ENT (Dr. Noone) in Charleston and a new audiologist fresh out of school. What a tremendous move that was on my part! So here I will enter a big shout out to Natalie Bickley who was my audiologist. I will never forget the kindness I was treated with when she told me that she could not help me anymore that my hearing loss was "profound" and aides would no longer help me. She did say in her opinion, that I might be a good candidate for the implant and pointed me in the direction of MUSC in Charleston, SC. The office made all the arrangements and that was the starting point. Bless you Natalie for showing me the way.
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